Lecture notes and note taking is deemed thinking. Our brains do not work in patterns that are linear; they operate through idea and institution connections. They work up, down and side to side. The brain can attach concept or a single idea to another for a quantity of time. Maps follow the train of thought, letting you create relations and relationships to initiate thoughts and ideas. Mind maps are in colorfor a reason and it is not simply to look pretty. Studies have shown that the mind awakens. They help to boost your memory, it has been noticed that people remember brightly commercials, hints or thoughts better than the ones that are white and black. Brand recognition is initiated by Colors. It is been demonstrated that people often comprehend logos and brand names prior to their competitors that were bland when looking at advertisements for products.
Color makes it possible to comprehend information more easy than when attaining Zen mind map information. One thing that everyone can agree on is that colors get your attention. Everyone can drive by a typical cow. Not a lot of people would pass with a cow that is pink. See, the color jumped out at you. Mind maps are pictures. There is truth in the saying a picture is worth a thousand words as it pertains to mind maps. These pictures help to expound your memory to contain a massive quantity of information. The imagination explodes. We are taught from the beginning of our life to express ourselves. Maps allow this vision to flow into development, problems and your business targets. Information and remembering things was proven to be easier with aspects. Consider the last time you are in demonstration or a lecture.
Using keywords instead Paragraphs aids from the memory and procedure that is creative. Just take an idea like your enterprise. Produce branches such as improvements financing, workers and upkeep. Within those more branches using two words or one are created by branches. A good example would be financing: incoming, outgoing investments. Keep breaking down each section. Keywords allow for memorization. Mind mapping software Works as it brings together both sides of their brain to boost the potential power and knowledge of the brain. Your left brain deals while the right side of the mind concentrates on images and colors. When combining both sides of the mind, you unlock your mind’s power.