Old electrical devices differ greatly from other residual waste in terms of their composition and must be collected separately. E-devices, i.e. all devices that are operated with electricity from the socket, from batteries or solar cells, can contain dangerous substances such as they contain mercury, lead or cadmium. The certified waste management companies commissioned by us ensure that pollutants are removed and thus people and the environment are protected. In addition to possible pollutants, electronic devices also contain many valuable and finite raw materials such as gold, silver, platinum and rare earths. The e waste recycling and disposal in singapore of the existing valuable materials also requires a separate collection of old electrical devices away from the residual waste bin. In special systems it is ensured that as many valuable resources as possible are recycled from the collected electrical appliances. The extracted materials are given a “second” life and thus become secondary raw materials. If a material can be 100 percent recycled, it is also referred to as a circular economy: the secondary raw material can be extracted from the waste without losses and used for production.
In addition to recycling, reuse can make a decisive contribution to achieving a circular economy, as products are used longer. In order to conserve resources and protect the climate, it is always preferable to reuse functional devices rather than dispose of them. This reduces the number of newly manufactured products and thus also the amount of resources required. You should therefore give your e-devices to friends, second-hand shops so used goods department stores or charitable institutions, non-profit associations, institutions and private companies that receive old e-devices and furniture that are in need of repair. As a service, many companies take back old electronic devices when they buy a new one and check them for reusability.